Yesterday morning, had a checkup at HUKM. Alhamdulillah the cyst is smaller now. But one thing that I don’t understand…the Dr says that she did not worried about the cyst as it was small and also she mentioned that the cyst supply foods to the fetus!…..eermmm…..
So far, what I have read on the internet, I haven’t found any articles saying that cyst is giving foods to the fetus. What I have read, they says that cyst is not harmful when it is small and it might go away by itself, but there’s nothing saying about supply foods to the fetus…..maybe I have to search more……
And I didn’t asked the Dr how is that possible because too tired to ask….after the long waiting for scanning and seeing the Dr…..maybe on the next checkup I will ask….(if I didn’t found any info on cyst supply foods to the fetus…). Next checkups will be on 21st January 2010.
So happy because…. while scanning, could see my baby is jumping! Could see the heartbeat, the arms and the legs…..Although this has been the third time for me, still kesyahduan masih terasa melihatkan ada nyawa dalam perut kita, melihatkan perkembangannya yg semakin membesar…..he..he….
This third pregnancy, I don’t have severe vomiting and nausea as I had with the last 2. Is just that I cannot take oily foods, others I can eat as usual. I love to eat fruits n sweet foods. And this time also I crave for many kind of foods….which makes me scared if the foods is hard to find….(janganlah sampai mimpi2 lagi nak makan itu ini…..). Also I had so many weird dreams……during 2nd pregnancy I do have dreams….a lot…. but not as weird as I have now……hopefully it is nothing….
The 2 boys, Haziq n Harris dah menunjukkan perubahan mereka. Haziq semakin mengada-ngada, semakin banyak buat perangai yg menguji kesabaran. Dulupun masa nak dapat Harris, mcm tu gak....Ada saje yg dia buat, mcm nak attract attention. Yang Harris pulak semakin manja, nak berdukung saje....kadang tu merengek saje nak minta didakap.....and me.....bila dua2 dah mcm tu, mula cepat jer temper.....hish!....Bila dah reda dari kemarahan tu, menyesal lah mmg masa tgh marah, tak boleh nak control.....beristigfar pun lambat jer nak reda marahnya.....
But anyway, hofefully semua akan ok and all of us tabah menanti saat kehadiran orang baru dalam keluarga kami. Semoga sihat dan selamat. Dan yang paling penting, semoga kehadiran anak yg ketiga ini akan membawa lembaran baru dalam hidup kami....lebih bahagia dan tenang dan bermakna dan diberkati Allah....amin...
* Ikhlas itu...*
Tak selalu hadir dari rasa mudah mengerjakan perintah...
Tak sering tampil saat ringan meninggalkan larangan Allah...
Kerana ia mampu tumb...
1 day ago
Alhamdulillah!!N do not worry too much!!!!
Amik la gambar terbaru u skrg!!!!
Take care!!!
My biggest worry is during bersalin....takut!
Gambar I? Eeerrmmm.....sama jer...cuma ketembaman tu tambah sket....Nanti eh....
You take care also....
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