Kinabalu Project

Well, this is one of the big project for me this year. I planned to climb the mount Kinabalu this October. In fact me and my husband has been wanting to climb the mountain since the last time we done it(we have done it back in 2000, which was 9 years ago, which we were so much young and energetic...) . Tapi disebabkan kami dah berempat sekarang ni, jadi tak bolehlah dua-dua pegi sekali....(which was so sad..) so my husband pegi dulu dengan kengkawan dia masa cuti raya cina baru2 ni. Me, jagalah the 2 kids kat rumah.....and furthermore I was just given rasanya kurang sesuailah nak panjat gunung kan, plak tu yg tertinggi di Malaysia....paling awal I can do heavy exercise pun after 6 months....

Actually, deep inside my heart...I've been questioning myself whether I'm still fit enough to climb the mountain or not. Half of me not confident but half of me says its not the matter of fit or not fit but the excitement of climbing it is more important. (I like outdoors activities, but due to some circumstances, terpaksalah lupakan atau biarkan atau korbankan.....)

My husband dengan kengkawan dia....

But climbing mount Kinabalu is an exception. Mesti juga panjat. Kalau tak dapat tahun ni, tahun depan insya Allah. So, ada saper2 nak join? Sila maklumkan kepada saya....he..he...

Cantik kan? Hilang segala penat lelah bila dah sampai ke puncak dan melihat
pemandangan seperti ini...

Jelesnyer tengok my husband.....

To register or not to register....

Well I've been asking myself whether or not to register gmail account. I've got so many email addresses (which I think too much for me to handle...) but because I wanted to create a blog which need to have gmail account, so I had to….I’m just into blogging for a certain reason…I’m not sure is there any free blog setup without having specific email addresses. Actually I hate to sign up for any services on the internet, as you have to put in your details etc....I'm just lazy to do it. Sometimes is just a simple services which you think you will not come back, but still they require you to sign up....God knows how many time I have pump my details on the internet...and of course some of them I have forgotten......and I got some worries if they reveal our info to the 3rd party (which they claim they are not goin to.....)
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