Answer from babycenter:
A cyst is a fluid-filled pocket or sac which grows within another organ or part of your body. Your ovaries are designed to release an egg every month. The way this happens is that a cyst filled with nourishing fluid forms around the egg as it develops. When the cyst bursts the egg is released. This is a completely normal physiological process which occurs every month in most menstruating women. Sometimes an egg will start to develop, but the process will not be completed, in which case the cyst will remain in the ovary for a while and then gradually disappear. This is a common occurrence - in fact, ovaries almost always have small cysts within them. Sometimes the normal cycle of development for egg release is not completed, and the cyst continues to grow - sometimes as large as seven to eight centimetres in diameter. Cysts like these can be painful, but most gradually disappear without any need for treatment. Sometimes an ovarian cyst will not go away on its own, or will continue to grow and become acutely painful. Your ovaries can also produce cysts which are not connected to egg production, but it is very unlikely for this to happen during pregnancy. These situations require further investigation, which may end with surgery.
Masa scan dan nampak ada lagi satu bulatan, rasa lain macam....(sebab rasa mcm tak mungkin pulak kembar) bila dr terangkan itu adalah cyst sedih juga....alamak mcm mana boleh jd mcm bila dr kata ada kemungkinan ia akan hilang sendiri, rasa lega juga. Kalau buat surgery di awal kehamilan akan menyebabkan keguguran tetapi kalau cyst ini semakin membesar, akan berlaku pendarahan, ini akan mengganggu kehamilan dan kita merasa sakit. Tp biasanya dr tak akan buat surgery kalau kehamilan dah membesar, sebolehnya dr akan tunggu selepas bersalin barulah dr akan buat surgery. Most of the time dr cuma boleh monitor sahaja, untuk mempastikan yg cyst tidak membesar dan tidak menganggu perkembangan bayi....what say me? Takut!
Patutlah perut membesar lain mcm, baru 2 bulan tp perutnya membesar mcm dah 4 bulan. Harap dengan izin Allah cyst ini akan hilang, kalau tak pun biarlah takda berlaku komplikasi dan selamat bersalin.
Eeermm....kalau boleh kali ni biarlah girl, sebab dah 2 kalau boy pun tak kisah, asalkan sihat dan selamat. Tp rasa2nya macam boy jugak sbb tanda2 mcm dulu tu ada juga kali ni. Cthnya alah pd makanan yg berminyak, malas nak masak, penampilan diri pun ala kadar jer, nampak mukanya pun lain macam. Tp kali ni teringin nak makan tu lah, makan ni lah, sampai termimpi2....ish..ish....dulu takda pulak....
*P*ernahkah kita terfikir, berfikir atau memikirkan bahawa antara hadiah
paling bernilai buat menghargai diri ialah dengan bersendiri; meluangkan
4 weeks ago
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