Starting from 15 October 2010

All will turn NEW
Things will CHANGED

I will become someone who I was supposed to be....
Things will go how it was supposed to be....

I dont wanna think much about any other things, if its was meant to be, then it will meant to be...
I just do my part well, I just mend my mistakes....the rest I just leave it to Allah....

Hope I am strong, could stay focus, could maintain what I'm doing and going to do....
it is for me....and the kids....

I realize that I'm much more calmer for the past 10 days....maybe thats  the best thing I should do....
Cuma jangan biarkan diri terhasut dgn syaitan, kerana bila syaitan menguasai diri....pastinya kita akan jatuh semula....

Percaya pada janji Allah
Percaya pada niat yg ikhlas dan suci
Sedar akan kesilapan silam dan ikhlas memperbaikinya
Percaya kebahagiaan pasti ada dihujung sana....

The moment when tahap kecurigaan tiada lagi, kemarahan tiada lagi, kebencian tiada lagi, ingatan tentang benda lama tiada lagi, hilang segala-gala yg buruk......THAT WILL BE MY VICTORY! KIDS VICTORY! OUR VICTORY!
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