To register or not to register....

Well I've been asking myself whether or not to register gmail account. I've got so many email addresses (which I think too much for me to handle...) but because I wanted to create a blog which need to have gmail account, so I had to….I’m just into blogging for a certain reason…I’m not sure is there any free blog setup without having specific email addresses. Actually I hate to sign up for any services on the internet, as you have to put in your details etc....I'm just lazy to do it. Sometimes is just a simple services which you think you will not come back, but still they require you to sign up....God knows how many time I have pump my details on the internet...and of course some of them I have forgotten......and I got some worries if they reveal our info to the 3rd party (which they claim they are not goin to.....)
Category: 1 comments


IzanJay said...

Heh..heh...come on Nia!!More post!

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